And, surely, among them is a party who twist their tongues while reciting the Book that you may think it to be part of the Book, while it is not part of the Book. And they say, 'It is from Allah;' while it is not from Allah; and they utter a lie against Allah while they know
Holy QuranAnd who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Islam or fabricates false stories about Muhammad?
Muhammad sucks!! LIEK ZOMG LOLZ!!!
Move on. This is Yahoo! Answers, not Yahoo! Preachers.
RTFM and STFU.And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Islam or fabricates false stories about Muhammad?
Why would anyone make up falsehoods about Islam? The truth is worse than anything I could make up.
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that is lovely
for you
Do you worship God or Muhammad? Seems to me you're not sure! Muhammad is just a man, therefore he was imperfect. Why can't you accept that! Why can he not be criticized?
Huh ?
Are there any predictions of Muhammad outside the Qur'an? Have any of the previous Jewish and Christian Scriptures spoken about His coming? Some Muslims believe that in the Injil (John 16:7) there is reference to the prophecy mentioned in Sura 7:157 and again in Sura 61:6.
The commentary of Hamza, Vol. 1, pg.330 says: ';We cannot give to this verse (Surah 7:157) all the commentary which it merits in light of the Old and New Testaments...John 16:7. All the misunderstanding which separates Jews, Christians and Muslims comes from the manner in which one pronounces or writes parakletos, which the translators of the gospel have rendered as 'counsellor.' Must we read it parakletos or periklytos?';
Muslims, aware that the original New Testament was written in Greek, choose the latter spelling, periklytos, which translates as 'glorious', over parakletos which means 'counsellor', or 'lawyer'. On the strength of the Qur'anic text (Sura 61:6) Muslims then claim that John 14:16 and 16:7 are predictions of the coming of Muhammad, and that the word periklytos (glorious), refers to Ahmad, a form of the name Muhammed, both meaning ';the Praised one
What some Muslims have tried to do with this word is replace the vowels as they see fit (replacing the a-a-e-o in parakletos with e-i-y-o in periklytos). In Hebrew and in Arabic, where the vowels are not included in the words, there is room for debate as to which vowels the author intended. However this is not so in Greek, as all vowels are clearly written in all Greek texts.
If in any doubt as to how this word is written, it is simple to review any of the existing manuscripts (MSS). They are open for anyone to examine (including two of the oldest, the Codex Siniaticus and the Codex Alexandrinus, both in the British Museum, in London). There are more than 70 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament dating from before the time of Muhammad. Not one of them uses the word periklytos! All use the word parakletos. In fact, the word periklytos does not even appear in the Bible!
At the heart of this argument, for a Muslim, is the desire to find any external prediction for the coming of Muhammad in both the Taurat and the Injil (as referred to in Sura 7:157). Without it, the only criteria for Muhammad's authority is the Qur'an; while the only authority for the Qur'an is Muhammad. This is circular reasoning, which is not a valid scholarly argument. Since the evidence for any prediction by Jesus concerning Muhammad does not exist in the Injil, this creates a problem for Muslims who must produce external criteria for the authenticity of their prophet.
. John 14:16 says: ';And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor (parakletos) to be with you forever.'; Most Muslims quote only this verse, as well as John 16:7, and then shut the Bible. What they fail to realise is that, as is the case in most pieces of literature, it is dangerous to read any verse or phrase outside its context. If the reader were to continue reading beyond chapter 14:16 and chapter 16:7, he would find that Jesus predicts in specific detail the arrival and identity of the parakletos.
According to the context of John chapters 14 and 16 Jesus said that the parakletos is not a human being:
14:16-- ';to be with you forever'; (A human being doesn't live forever.)
14:17-- ';the spirit of truth'; (A human being is distinct from spirit.)
14:17-- ';The world ... neither sees him'; (A human being is visible.)
14:17-- ';nor knows him'; (A human being would be known by others.)
14:17-- ';he ... will be in you'; (A human being cannot be within others.)
Jesus said the parakletos' specific mission was to point to him:
14:26--';whom the Father will send in my [Jesus'] name';
14:26--';will remind you of everything I [Jesus] have said to you';
16:08--';He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin';
16:14--';He will bring glory to me [Jesus]';
Jesus said that the parakletos is a spirit:
14:17--';the Spirit of Truth';
14:26--';the Counsellor [parakletos], the Holy Spirit';
It is obvious that this counsellor of whom Jesus speaks is indeed the Holy Spirit, who came in power 10 days after Jesus left, on the day of Pentecost (translated as the 50th day), and 570 years before the birth of Muhammad.
Sura 7:157 and 61:6 speak of a prophet, Ahmad (Muhammad), who was revealed beforehand in the Taurat and the Injil (Gospel). It is imperative, therefore, that these passages be found. Without them, Muhammad has no outside evidence to prove his prophethood, and the authority for the beliefs of over one billion Muslims hangs on the single testimony of one finite man. However, there are no passages in the Injil which speak of this coming prophet. Muslims believe that these passages in John are the ones which refer to Ahmad. Yet, are they? Can this promised one, this counsellor, be a human being or a prophet; or is he a spirit, specifically, the Biblical Holy Spirit?
As you read these verses and consider what has been said, you too, must come to a conclusion. Based on the evidence before you, you must decide who, indeed, is the person spoken of in the Injil: John 14:16 and John 16:7.
Now, whose missquoting who ?
All liars are unjust
Don't preach to us, go preach to the jihads that are killing people in the name of Mohammed. No one is fabricating stories about Mohammed The thing is that you guys are ignorant and reciting a book that you people don't have no understanding of. Yes it does mention to destroy the infidels, or else where do those jihads get the notion of killing people in the name of Allah. It is you people misunderstanding of it that is causing those insurgents to keep acting that way, but if you people did look in the same page that the terrorists are looking maybe they would stop being so ignorant, stop trying to convert me, I rather die for what I believe in, just like they are dying for believing that Mohammed the pervet was the son of God. You people don't respect God if you believe that such a killer could be his son. Now get lost.
Beheadings, disembowelments, stonings, yeah, count me out bub, mo and allah can bone camels in heII.
You are more unjust for spreading this tripe on this forum.
You've been fooled as well! Go read Quran properly. I dare you! That book has hate written all over it!
Jesus Christ is Truth - without Jesus you are lost. Also there is only one God - Jehovah God - no other. This may cause you distress - but it is the truth. I pray you find the Truth - Jesus Christ - before it is too late.
Peace be upon him.
Who is more unjust than those who suicide bomb innocent women, children and Elders in the name of religion? None. Which religion keeps their people in bondage? Islam. Which religion promotes violence? Islam. Which religions prophet molested camels ? Islam
That is circuitous thinking...while reciting the book that you may think is the book, but is not part...what a useless waste of typing. I think you should realize by now that those who are looking to convert to your religion are welcome to it, I do not fault them using freewill to choose their own faith. But I find it utterly ignorant to call yourself peaceloving and pacifistic when you are so agressively insulting to Christianity. How bout you pray yourway and I will pray in my own way and we simply agree to not discuss whose faith is greater? That sounds like 3 year olds, ';My brother can beat yours up.'; I mean really, let's work toward generating tolerance instead of perpetrating hatred.
Well that is the myth.
But please do realize that it's only mythology, not reality.
Try and tell the difference between reality and fantasy ok?
Where is Mohammad's face?
Sorry if I don't get where you're going with this to reiterate?
I am unjust according to you, which means nothing to me. I am a Christian and saved by Jesus Christ. That is God's word which means everything to me. And this is not a lie, Muhammed was nothing more than an evil man. He is dead and Jesus is alive.
Who is it that has to forge a lie against Islam or fabricate false stories about Muhammad? Allah misleadeth whom he will....(14:4) and Allah is the best of schemers....(3:5). Just let the Koran speak for them.
The one more unjust than mohammed is the one who follows him. He liked intercourse with children. Do you also follow his lifestyle?
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