I wouldn't let that happen to MY son!
wow, a thumbs down for that...Why, logically, is the story of Jesus' Crucifixion false?
forget the fact that crucifictions were done on X shaped crucifixes in that era, not on T saped ones
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check this people
I thought you were going to have some logical reason why the crucifixion story wasn't true. What nonsense.
You think as humans think, not as God thinks.
Jesus' mother new what was going to happen. The Old Testament prophecies told of what would happen to the Messiah. Mary knew that this was the plan of God. That's why she did not fight it.
I'm not sure that's necessarily true. The mothers of suicide bombers sometimes send their sons to kill themselves.
However, the crucifixion is an exegesis of Isaiah 53 anyway, it is not an historical event.
damn right. no mother would stand there. Mothers are lionesses when it comes to defending their kids. Anyone who tried to mess with MY kid would have his genitalia rearranged, not for the better.
This reminds me of that line from Monty Python's Life of Brian, when Brian's mother says to the crowd: ';HE'S NOT THE MESSIAH, HE'S A VERY NAUGHTY BOY!';
i agree. Also i heard that christmas is not even when Jesus was born. He was born in march. I wonder if that true. Maybe the bible is just one huge esops fables hey!
I don't have any kids, but I couldn't even imagine standing by and letting it happen to someone else's child.
try reading the bible to see how scared the disciples were. it is logical.
A major fact has slipped by your clever hypothesis...Jesus told his mother what was to happen to him (I'm not sure Gabriel told her, but Jesus certainly did) and you read what happened when Peter took up the sword. Jesus reminded him that he had millions of angels at his beck and call at any given minute. Mary was doing the will of God for the sake of humanity (she also knew that her son would rise on the third day). There Was a riot, and there Is a war to this day about anything that had to do with that day.
The story of Jesus is a myth. He wasn't crucified. He didn't exist.
Back in those days many Jews were executed by the Romans and probably many mothers stood at the foot of the cross and watched their sons die. No raising ';holy heck';. No riots. No wars. It just doesn't work that way. The law-makers have the power and the people are usually quite unable to overcome it.
Because Mary new that God sent his only begotten son to a Virgin(Mary) Mary new that she was raising Jesus to die for the sins of all of mankind including her own she also knew that she would rejoin her child in heaven at the right side of the father
You have no clue.
Get A Grip
Mary knew that this will happen. She was chosen for a good reason. You need to remember that Jesus is alive. He conquered the death.
I don't know.
The times were dark and turbulent. I know the story says Mary wept at his feet, but she probably didn't. His whole family was public enemy number one. One brother was stoned and another crucified for the same reasons, heresy. I doubt Mary was any where near him or she would have been strung up too realistically.
Mothers watch thier children get killed everyday in many countries. I'm not saying the Jesus thing happened, but I am saying IF HE DID, it's not that black and white.
Because people do not come back from the dead.
A poor, middle-aged woman against Roman Centurions!?!?!
I think you're reaching....even beyond what the typical R%26amp;S atheist normally would.
The Bible doesn't say anything about what time of year Jesus was born, and even fundamentalist Christians of moderate intelligence readily admit this fact. I do remember Ronald Reagan once starting a speech on Christmas Eve: ';We know that one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two years ago tonight, Joseph and Mary were just entering Bethleham...';
There are many good reasons to not take the Christ story as fact--but your objections are not very good ones. You clearly have no concept of what life under Roman occupation would have been like--the Romans were brutal, bloody tyrants when confronted by any resistence or protest among conquered people. The virgin mother would not have been the first mother forced to stand by, silently weeping, while her son was crucified. If she and her friends started to raise holy heck, they would have been very swiftly and harshly dealt with.
As for war, the Jews had already been militarily vanquished by the Romans at this point. There were many messiah rumors and start-up cults among the Hebrew people at the point in time when Jesus allegedly lived--Monty Python's LIFE OF BRIAN is actually a reasonably accurate historical presentation. Some Jews did think they were going to have another great Warrior King like David to help them drive the Romans out. But when the Romans conquered someplace, they really conquered it. What we see in a figure like Jesus is the emergence of a Messiah who renounces involvement in politics and active resistance--render to Caesar what is Caesar's. We can never defeat the Romans, but hey, let's follow this new son of God who will lead us to eternal victory while our enemies burn in hell--that message spread and became very popular among the defeated peoples of the Roman Empire.
Because it is a fairy tale, like the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause
No mother would stand by, silently weeping, as her son was tortured and crucified ???
Agreed, Mary was NOT stand by silently weeping, her cries were VERY LOUD. All efforts from her were stopped by the roman soldiers in charge of crowd control while the others continue with the torture related tasks.
She would get every friend available to help her son.
Yes, but only John was brave enough to go with her. You need more than a old woman and a young man to start a riot against roman soldiers who happen to dominate all the knwon world of that time.
Besides, Jesus mission was to die in the cross, his interest fro His disciples was for them form the church and spread His message on the whole world; not to be massacrated by the roman soldiers the same date of His crucifixion.
Go a step back and check the story of His arrest. He stopped Peter when trying to stop the arrest; Jesus said that if He wanted He can summon legions of angels to come in His help, but that was not the idea.
Crucifixion story stands logical.
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