True. They also show how the liberals can be blamed for everything including wild fires. Fox News is a show for stupid people. Do people realize that Fox News is an entertainment show? It is not a news show. That's why they get away with their misrepresentations. They are the National Enquirer of ';news'; networks.Fox News shows two sides of every story (the President's side and the Vice President's side). True or False?
False, they have guests from both parties on to discuss the topics. Granted some of the people are idiots, but generally they are well informed and know what they are talking about.
Just because Fox News is run by a conservative group of people doesn't make them wrong. It just means that you disagree with most of their opinions.
Why is it that you guys don't scream about CNN or MSNBC when their stories are wrong? Why is it that Fox can report the same thing that other stations report, but you folks still show up screeching like a bunch of harpies?
You guys claim that Fox News lies, but you wont provide a link for those lies.Fox News shows two sides of every story (the President's side and the Vice President's side). True or False?
Absolutely TRUE!!!!!
Fox news in the only news I'll watch!
LOL.. very balanced, indeed.
FALSE and to the person who quoted Colbert-you are probably one of those people who watches the comedy channel for real news. If it doesn't come out of the mouth of Colbert or Stewart you don't understand it!
Wrong, they show the Right side and then they show the Far Right side:)
They're just good folk. True
they decide, then report.
False. You are obviously what is known as a pablum-puking liberal! You and your fellow idealogues offer no solutions, just more and more garbage about what the current administration is doing wrong. It's actually a pretty weak and tired argument. That all you got?
TO JERRY C.: Well said. The asker is another Hillary-hugging/socialist type suffering from liberal hypnosis. Stay in touch.
The entire premise of your question is biased
liberals hate truth so they hate FOX NEWS
Obviously asked by someone who supports a candidate afraid to go on Fox News because they cannot answer the tough questions.
I wonder why the Republican candidates are on Hardball with Matt Williams... yet certain Democratic candidates will only grant an interview with those who will play softball?
Same candidate who can't even answer a question without flip-flopping like a fish out of water...
Sometimes it certainly appears to be like that.
very well said
I thought Fox News was just a big right winged propagandist channel that only spews information for the Republicans and Right Wing fanatics.
Any channel that has liberal views and backs Democrats can say whatever they want and everything they report is as if it came from God himself. And when questioned, Liberals have no double standards.
So, in short, FOX News may report both sides, but it's only propaganda.
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