they are fables, stories, myths, etc etc. They are meant to teach a good lesson but not to be taken literally.Why does the bible contain false stories like noahs ark and Adam and Eve?
They are just stories. They aren't meant to be taken literally. They have a moral to them, much like fairy tales.Why does the bible contain false stories like noahs ark and Adam and Eve?
Why are you accusing God of lying to Moses?
What makes them false stories, other than what you hear from others and believe in and the limitations of your own mind.
I mean why does Science perpitrate false stories
Like six different flavors of one dimensonal string theory that can never be proven tangably because you can see a one dimensional object, but they say EVERYTHING is strings.
Why do you believe their fairy tales over our fairy tales.
What make's theirs better.
The fact you can't make any sense of their postulates without a fluid undestanding of Caculus.
I mean I've been studying relativity for 25 years now and I can only see bits and Pieces but Einstein saw this whole universal harmony and put it into print.
I can't decipher what his mind sees.
Others can see it, and they postulate things like the Big Bang (that was a CAtholic Priest by the way who came up with that one).
For pretty much the same reason as Aesop's Fables. They're NOT intended to be ';real-life'; adventures. They're intended to teach a lesson about life in an entertaining and easily remembered fashion.
In this instance, the lesson is: There is only one true God, NOT a whole lot of gods. The entire thrust of Genesis is to make this one single point.
Why do you assume they are false? The flood story is hard to believe because we have never experienced a worldwide flood. Do you suppose that if you went to a very remote tribe in, say, Papua New Guinea, and informed them that there are buildings taller then the tallest trees, they would believe you? Just because something is beyond your comprehension doesn't make it untrue.
How do you know they are false?
Were you there?
Pastor Art
So that if the stories ever happen, or are proven correct, God can say ';I told you so.';
OK I can't prove Adem and Eve. but were have you been for the last 5 years. Noah's ark exists and is petrified on the side of mt Ararat. There are pictures of the scientists that found it next to the huge boat and even parts of the boat are in a museum here in the US.
Try Googleing it or going to the creation evidence museum in Texas.
There not false stories!!! They are true!!! No ONE could make up ALL of that as a story. So it has to be real! People in the Bible wrote it. How do they tell?? God speaks to their hearts!!!!!! I believe that THE BIBLE IS TRUE!!!!!!!! :)'ve made an assumption. How do you know they are false? I don't think any of us were there.
Say it with me - logical fallacy.
False ? no they are not false at all. They are the spoken word of God...God is truth.....God is not a man that he should lie...
cause Christians are right no matter what because they have a made up character named god on their side so they don't need to worry about a single thing because they're going to heaven. And people like me who are atheist are going to a scary place called helll.....******* Christians!!!!
Good question. If you find out let me know!
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