I will be 39 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I had an appointment on Thursday and was dilated to 3 cm and 70% effaced. Thursday night I started having contractions every 10 minutes (some closer together) for about 2 1/2 hours. I called the doctor on call and she said come on in. So I went to the hospital. My contractions were getting stronger and closer together so I was pretty excited. After I got there they checked me again and still no change in my cervix. They had me walk 30 minutes but still no change in my cervix. We had gotten to the hospital around 12:30 in the morning. They monitored me for a while and my contractions were still coming every 10 minutes and sometimes closer and they seemed to be getting stronger and harder. But they weren't doing anything to help out my cervix. Finally they decided to let me go home and they called it false labor. I was induced with my first one and didn't have to experience the disappointment of false labor. So, by the time I got home it was 3:30 in the morning. After about 12 hours of having consistent contractions, they just slowly subsided and I have only 1-2 an hour now. I am pretty sure I lost my mucous plug this morning. I have been feeling crampy like period crampy today. But nothing consistent. I am just so frustrated and so ready to have this baby. I really don't want to have to go through false labor again. It was very depressing. I thought it was the real thing. Dang cervix. I know the baby will come when she is ready, but geez. I just wanted to vent and get some experiences if anyone had any they would like to share. How long does it usually take after false labor for real labor to kickstart? I mean I know it could be weeks-no one knows for sure-but what was your experiences with false labor? Any words of encouragement? I feel like I want to jump out a window...HaHa!!
Oh and who else is so sick and tired of hearing ';Ain't you had that baby yet?'; Or ';When you gonna pop that baby out'; UGGHH...False labor...so frustrated-long story?
I had false labor with my second pregnancy also...induced with my first so it was my first ';false'; experience too. It was exactly the same as yours...consistent contractions, getting stronger and closer together so I went to the hospital after walking around for 3 hours there was no progress so I went home. I felt like cramp the next day with lots of cramping and irregular contractions. This was at 38 weeks. After that experience I had nothing much...inconsistent contractions. I was scheduled to be induced at 40 weeks, 4 days. I seen my OB at 40 weeks, 3 days and she decided we would go ahead and induce me the next day. I went home and about 4 hours later my water broke! So just talking about inducing me got my baby girl to decide she was going to come on her own. I wish you the best and I hope you do not have much longer to wait! Good luck!!
Fasle labor sucks!!!False labor...so frustrated-long story?
Hang in there, girly! Won't be much longer and after the baby pops out... all this frustration will be forgotten! Good luck!
nobody should ask you that crap and if they do ignore them unless ya know they seriously wanna know. Just for the record im a guy
i read this and thought i wrote it lol
this happened thrusday. only i didnt go to the hospital. my doc said i was in labor too. but it stopped after about 10 hours of contractions. i bawled for a couple hours. since i have been crampy and my cervix hurts. i think yours will come in a day or two. my doc and my step mom said that usually false labor like i had results in baby in a few days. keep your chin up, i know 100% how you feel. walk and have sex to help you move along.
and yes i hate it too when ppl are like pop it out. uh, like i dont want to, right?? lol
okay I have never had false labor with any of my 4 kids .....with my 3 kids they induced me.....I was late with them and my last one she(doctor) scraped the inside lining of my unterus and so it would induce my labor....I was a day early....I was suppose go see the doctor that day but I was in hospital....I ended up losing my mucus that day an and started having contraction and later that night at 10 minutes apart we called the hospital and talk to the doctor on call they told me to come in the hospital when I am 5 minutes apart and end up having my baby about 2 hours later and she came out fast I was ready to push and barely had any epiderial in my back and said to the nurse I was ready to push and she ended coming out befire the doctor came in
I was like that with my last child- it started on a Wednesday and by Saturday night I had my son in my arms, so it was a few days, but not weeks. All that early ';false'; labor helped my body get ready for the birth, in my opinion, and by the time I realized I was in real labor that Saturday, it was only about 4 hours till my son was born, so I ended up having a long pre-labor and short active labor. Maybe the same thing will happen for you. But just remember- you are really close and it won't be long now. Yay! :)
With my first, my water broke on Friday no baby till Monday. They sent me home saying I had peed my pants. Then on Saturday regular contractions started so I went back in. They sent me home again saying I was in False Labor. Finally on Sunday they checked me in. I had back labor so it didn't show real well on the monitors for intensity. I wasn't dilating so the Dr wanted to break my water. Finally they discovered what I had known for 2 days. It had already broken. So I finally let them give me an epidural and that finally go me to dilate. Had a baby 2 hrs later.
Oh my dear, its funny how similar i feel ...ive felt like this for over a week. my due date is monday...ivw had 2 disappointments at the hospital my contractions have been so irregular and they wont induce me untill im at least a week overdue. hang in there, and i def know how you feel, we want our babies out!!!!...and im sooo sick of people asking me when the baby is comming LIKE I HAVE A CLUE!?
Ive only opened 1 cm more making me 2 cm dilated and babys head is low, ive lost most my plug if not all of it....its so frustrating and no one else understands...im glad there are other people out there who do!
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