I have to write a paper for a class about whether or not the formation of the ten commandments happened like it says in the Bible.
I'm saying that it didn't happen that way, but I have to give reasons for it.Reasons why the story of 10 commandments is false?
Because it is a recommendation and not a commandment
God does not command, for he merely observes. He recommends you do these if you want to move to the emotion of love
PeaceReasons why the story of 10 commandments is false?
How about saying that there is absolutely no evidence that corroborates the bible - thus the story of the ten commandments is no more reliable than something out of Grimm's fairy tales - checkmate.
I remember seeing a really cool show on the History channel (I think) that talked about rational (as in not related to god) explanations for how the plagues could have happened. It's very interesting - unfortunately all of my googling cannot find it.
Wow. That's unbelievable. That's like asking, ';What is the sound of One hand clapping?'; on a history final.
Anyway, since you can prove absolutely nothing, just show the different arguments and believes. For example, talk about how athiests view this as impossible fairy tell garbage, and the Abrahamic religions view it as fact, or enterpretation of fact, and when your teacher asks you what you believe, come up with something Zen.
Your ovbiously attending a religious school so are you saying you don't believe the bible to be truth.Sorry bud but I believe it did happen just as reported.Don't think I can help you.The only thing left is your imagination.
The 10 commandments comes directly from the Egyptian ';42 admonitions of Ma'at';
As a matter of fact virtually everything in the Bible is merely copied from much older pagan religions from Egypt, Sumeria, Babylon.
The only things that hold any truth in the bible are just a few places and a couple of people and that is it. Rest is just re-badged paganism %26amp; fairy tales.
There is absolutely ZERO evidence for any exodus of any kind.
Zero contemporary evidence for any Jesus even though there were many many very prolific historians at that time in history.
The ten commandments like most christian morals were all taken from earlier religions and related to other gods and one idol!!
I do not think you are going to find them, but good luck. I believe that at one time this world held far more wonder than it holds today.
If you are 100% sure that it didn't happen that way then you would also know your reasons.
Moses got the message from a TALKING BURNING BUSH.
Not 'by smoking a burning bush', which would have been more believeable.
Because there were really 15, but Moses dropped one of the tablets.
Its the burning bush thing if bush doesnt get burned for his terms in office,I don't know if a bush will burn.
You obviously don't have reasons for it... Is it too late to change your stance?
there is no god. so that's prove enough the story is wack.
It's in the bible, do you need any more reason than that?
how you going to find that info? good luck with that. XD
The only thing I wish for is for the Muslims to follow them.
Um, thou shalt not kill? How are we gonna eat food?
You need to look at the larger story around it. The Bible states that Joseph was sold into slavery, got in the good graces of the Pharaoh by interpreting his dreams that there would be 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine. Then Joseph's family joined him, they increased in numbers and eventually all Hebrews were enslaved. They still increased and the Pharaoh ordered the male children to be killed, Moses was spared and after a series of plagues lead the Hebrews out to where they received the commandments before heading off to the holy land to conquer it. (This is obviously abbreviated and paraphrased).
The Egyptians kept fairly good records and we have a really good time line of when various things happened in their history. There is no evidence of 7 years of famine or plenty, or of Joseph. There is no mention of the Hebrews until the 1300's BCE when Egypt conquered Canaan, and then they were considered a nomad people. There is no evidence of the Hebrew culture or records of them being slaves. While the route that they might have taken is unknown, several sites along it are well known and have been extensively excavated with no evidence of human occupation.
The evidence does show that Hebrew culture developed in the Canaanite highlands as the Canaanite royalty was falling into disfavor.
The link below will give you additional information.
The history channel ran a show called ';the exodus decoded';, very shortly after it aired, it was torn to shreds and completely debunked.
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