Is it possible?
The Bible contains real names and places, but could that mean that the stories about those names and places aren't true? Some events may have happened, but what if the STORIES ABOUT those events are disproportionate?
Is it POSSIBLE?Christians, if the Bible mentions real names and places, could the ';stories'; ABOUT them be false?
Of course it is not possible that any of those several thousand
year old rumors could be errant.
A book review in June 22 issue of Time:
Biblical blunders
';Misquoting Jesus'; by Bart D. Ehrman
may be a bit dry, but it is fascinating to read the
history of the Bible and how the author, a
religion professor and biblical scholar, came
to realize that the Bible used today is an
error-filled, errant mess of inaccuracies,
purposeful ';mistakes'; and outright lies';. [p107]
Really inspires confidence!Christians, if the Bible mentions real names and places, could the ';stories'; ABOUT them be false?
Of course, it would be a logical fallacy to conclude that just because Israel exists the biblical stories about it are true. However, while the bible may not have as much deductive proof as some wish it did, but it does have an abundance of inductive proof. So just because the place exists you won't believe the story, nor will you believe it just because the artifacts found allow for it to have happened, nor because other writings of the same era show that the details of the story are true. Nevertheless, it would be foolish to ignore the evidence just because it's inductive, after all, many small pieces of the puzzle coming together can give you a relatively high degree of certainty that the story at hand is true.
Note that some scholars are not sure if Shakespeare wrote any of the plays or poems attributed to him. However, because there is so much inductive proof (we know he was an actor at one point, we know he owned part of the Globe Theatre, etc.), most scholars believe that Shakespeare is the author of Romeo%26amp;Juliet and A Midsummer Nights Dream -although he may have gotten the idea for these plays from other writers and events of his day. Truthfully though, we can't say with 100% certainty that shakespeare wrote his plays, and in the eyes of some extremists who think everything is relative, we don't even have 100% certainty that we aren't in a computer simulation like ';The Matrix';.
the bible is simply history, does that means any history book we have could be untrue also. How can we know anything as absolute truth.we have no concrete way of knowing, if the events actually happened as they did in the bible word for word, We weren't there, but it is also important to remember some of the old testament bible, while it is history it was oral history before it became written so some of the elements were lost over years of story telling, just like with other accounts of history we have today. Overall we don't know and we may never know how the events actually happened. But i dont believe absolute truth of these stories are necessary to enforce christian faith, its the idea of love and your relationship with God that are important, not if every single story in the bible are 100% true to how they happened. Christianity is about faith not physical proof. However i do believe that while old testament stories may be skewed from how they happened the prophecies of Jesus' life and his message are 100% authentic. The Old testament was selected 200 years before the birth of Jesus and the prophecies of the Messiah describe the events of Jesus' birth with historical accuracy, so yes i think that the important aspects of the Bible are 100% true, as for the oral history in the old testament, it really isnt that important, while the storied do help to reinforce faith they don't have to be completely true for the Bible to be valid. Well i've taken alot of unnecessary space to babble endlessly and not come to any conclusion and contradict myself several times, but i guess my opinion is that the bible is god breathed and inspired so yes i believe that the stories while most likely slightly skewed from there original context still happened and are still relevant to our lives.
The Bible is the word of God, the truth...
To sexxi pigtails: Everyone knows Twilight is fiction. No one in their right mind would give their lives to follow the teachings of a fictional character that is created during your life span. It's a fact that many Christians gave their lives for believing and following Jesus' doctrines (doctrines that are now in the Bible). Just try reading some authentic history books. If you can believe anything written as history by any man, you can believe in the Bible which was inspired by God.
1) Christians, if the Bible mentions real names and places, could the ';stories'; ABOUT them be false?
Is it possible?
Of course. It's also possible that they're all true - and that's what I believe.
You could ask the same about Caesar's annals of the Gallic Wars. He could have made it all up. Or, he could have been the general in charge of the Roman forces in Gaul.
In my opinion no they can not be lies when the people are real and the places are real why would they make up things to put into scrolls and bury them some things may be over hyped perhaps but none the less true when Jesus is speaking and the new testement i believe in 100 per cent it is the old testement that may be slightly over hyped but still true.
No, it is not. The bible is the word of God, it is to be taken as fact. It is the history of the nation of Israel and it is the story of the Messiah.
Well, seeing that man wrote the Bible, yes, it can be true. Unless people back then didn't get their facts straight, and started to make stuff up as they went along writing it.
Ofcourse it's possible and is most likely what happened.
quite the reverse, archealogists over the years of digging and finding artefacts have come to realise that the historic happenings mentioned in the bible are accurate
You mean like Harry Potter catching the train to Hogwarts from the magical platform 9 and 3/4 at Paddington station?
Surely not!
Many things have been false with the new discoveries, books have been banned from the bible, no one knows what truths will a rise.
But Twilight takes place on Forks, Washington... Does that mean that sparkly vampires aren't real?!?! :O
The Bible is the truth. It never lies. The Bible is the Word of God, and God never lies.
no they are real also
Like Historical Fiction? Yes, that's what it is.
the bible never lies.
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