Ignore her. Just be yourself. Do you really want to associate with people who prejudge others? It sounds to me like she just wants attention and is jealous. You might try just being nice to her. She will probably be shocked, and a little embarassed, but it may end the jealousy.How can I stop an envious girl from making up stories about me and stop spreading false and nasty rumors about
Confront her directly. Don't beat around the bush. Tell her the rumor, and tell her that you want it to stop. I might also consider beating the crap out of her... *sigh* sometimes that's the only thing that will stop such wickedness.
Aside from that, just keep being yourself to others. You might also want to tell folks that you don't understand why she makes these things up and that you feel sad for her.
Write this down on a letter hand or post it to her make sure to keep a copy of it, in the letter tell her that if she continues to spread false rumors the next letter will be from your attorney.
Are you sure it's her? If it really is, you can sue her for slander./
I think that you should let her know that whatever it is that she has against you that the two of you should try to settle your differences and that if she does not stop you will begin ';LEGAL'; actions against her for the slander of your rep.
Why not choose a time when all of you are together, and confront her in front of the entire group. Start listing all of the lies and rumors she has spread about you, and challenge her to prove *any* of the things she has said about you. The best thing you can do is make her look like a liar in front of them. It will destroy her credibility and she will not be taken seriously again.
Does she make things up about other people in the group? Bring those up in front of everyone too, and watch her try to lie her way out of it.
If she does talk about other people behind their backs to you, try getting her on tape, and then play the tape for the person she is backstabbing.
To MamaCita: I'm Latina too. I'm a little disturbed that you chose to make this person's question into a racial issue.
act like it doesnt bother you sje's just doing it to get ur attenton and thats prolly y shes doing it but dont talk to her ignore her and tell other ppl that its not true she already no's that its a lie its the other ppl that need to no it too
Find your self confidence.
I had this prob too... I even tryied to play games like telephone. You know, you tell a close friend a message and pass it on. By the time it gets through the circle, the story's all messed up.
Anyways, I though I would pass it down the grapevine that ';I'm pregantnt with the computer geeks kid';. Well, after a day, the story morphed into I was having triplets from three different guys on the football team. This was so ridculas that nobody belived rumors again.
However, I still did not have my self confidence, and this kept me from being happy and dating a real cute guy who was on the team. You are the only one loosing by ignoring your own confidence.
There are some people like that. I've met one but could never find anything to make her stop unfortunately. However, people who knew me or got to know me realized that what she was saying wasn't true. You have to just try to be the bigger person and let people know who you really are. Sorry if there's no easy way out.
i would confront her rudly and then start a fight with her. but thats just me.
Eleanor Roosevelt said that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent, and this is absolutely true. Remove yourself from this person and, if possible, from her frequent whereabouts. Anyone who knows you will know that her lies are just that - LIES. And who cares what anyone else thinks?
you cant, her starting rumours is like you said she's jealous! but if people you now know , know it's not true then they'll not belive it it'll probabaly make you even more better than her and people will know its her and wont belive her
ask her out on a date then tear her clothes off
Basically, I hate to sound sue happy, but if she doesn't respond to confrontation, tell her you are willing to take legal action, then speak with an attorney about the issue. Slander is a tortious act that the law can provide remedy for. If you truely feel that she is giving you a bad name and refuses to stop, you can use the law to even the playing field.
kick her ***!!!!
The girls in my seventh grade class did the same thing. Only difference: It was about 30 girls spreading rumors at the same time. These girls told each other I was pregnant, called me various name that this website would not let me post, and completely destroyed my reputation. The turned my best friends against me.They told the school principle that they had reason to beleive I had a disorder, and the woman beleived them! The next year, when the ringmaster of the rumors left, they treid to befriend me and make-up, but the damage was done. I had already cut myself off from them. To this day, people judge me and say that I shouldv'e forgiven them. What they don't understand is that you can forgive someone and still not trust them. You can forgive this woman, but heaven help anyone who tells you to trust her! They told the school principle that they had reason to beleive I had a disorder, and the woman beleived them! This woman needs to be told to step off, and most likely (I'm not going to lie to you) she won't. I don't know how people get through it, but when you do (and you will) you will come out the better person, and she will look like the moron she is. I am now fourteen years old and as happy as could be. I'm still going to school with those girls, but I've got new friends and things are great. Sorry if this was too long...
cut out her tongue?
maby its no her... and even if it isent her just for the hell of go beat her a** up i mean it pull her hair and beat her white a** ( shes white right lol)
Well man..theres isnt anything you can do to show thats she is just spreading rumors...only way you can is to catch her in one of her lies and if she does it enough she'll slip up sometime soon....but when people come up and asked you about them they already have there mind made up wrather you did it or not...so just say ';i didn do it there aint much i can say to that...but your just have to believe what you want';
your self confidence is most important. The moment you react to such a cooked up story, u end up sending the message that you are susceptible and then the stories increase. The less u bother the better. The moment this girl finds out that her stories do not impact you she will stop.
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