my estranged husband doesnt talk to me but spreads lies %26amp;embarrasing stories about me %26amp;my parents, he only listens to his own parents and was abusive during my brief stay with him.he has always humiliated me and not taken any responsibility of our twins to the extent that he does not even recognise them...i cannot change location as i have a fixed job %26amp; i stay with my parents ? what should i do ?My estranged husband does not talk to me instead spreads false and embarrasing stories about me %26amp; my parents?
Don't feed into his madness, just go on with ur life. It takes two to tangle, the reason he's acting the way he is, is because he's hurt and angry. If u don't respond to the madness it will go away. The best thing u can do is head down to child support collection and make his take responsibility for his kids. Its his responsibility just as much as urs, he helped bring them here... he must also provide for them. Don't let the trash talking get to u... move on and do what u have to do for u and ur kids.My estranged husband does not talk to me instead spreads false and embarrasing stories about me %26amp; my parents?
This guy is devastated that you left and are gone. His only recourse is to hurt you, and your family. Believe me, people consider the source when they hear ugly things, and he is only make himself look horrible, especially since he ignores his own children.
The best thing to do is just let him stew in his own misery. He is bitter and madder than hell. Just hold your head up high and keep moving forward. He will get bored with you and the situation at some point.
I have lived this and still get pestered by my ex--but if I were you, I would divorce his *** and show him you are DONE~~no matter what he says or does.
unfortunatley you can't kill him %26amp; bury his worthless waste of skin body ina shallow grave so you will have to deal with his lies. If they are lies %26amp; you can prove it then you may have a case for slander.
ignore him take the high ground get court ordered child support and just keep living your life. Words can't hurt you unless you let them. You know the truth hold on to it until he grows up
press charges for harassment
ignore him......
There is such a thing as slander. Maybe tell him you'll sue him for slander if he doesn't stop. But you'll have to prove that he did it first. If you can't prove it, next time someone asks you if the stories are true or not, better tell those people what kind of a person he really is. One gossip deserves another good one.
Just ignore him and pretend as if he doesn't exit, but he must be responsible for the upkeep of your children.
ignore him he is just being stupid
If the things that your husband is saying about you and your family aren't true then don't pay attention. Just be happy that you do not have to live with him any longer and put up with him again. Apparently some people can't help it for being ignorant. He has nothing else to do so he needs to get a life. He is just mad and wants to only hurt you and your family and feels that he just wants to get even.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Even if you don't believe in God, this quote works wonders when you let it. You will never change him, you will never change what he says. You can change how you respond to it and how you let it affect you.
Any intelligent person will see through him and they will learn not believe him. Any one that believes him, well, they're probably people you don't need to care about any way.
Do the best you can to let it go. Be a good person and remember there are always people out there that just don't get it.
Good luck
get people to testify against him and sue him for slander =) and be sure to share the profits w/ those who testify =) good luck! =)
OK Obviously unfortunately for you ... You married a total complete immature loser.. He should have a vasectomy. In this case - You and your children would be better off with out him. If he has no interest in them.. File for divorce - Collect child support and alimony if available and he will eventually disappear out of the picture.. Now as far as the lies if you feel that the lies are effecting your and your parents lives - then you have every right to sue him for slander. Make sure you put that in your divorce paperwork. This guy is a total jerk off and the judge will see that.. No worries on your part.. Go to school if you have not FAFSA can help you out..
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