Without the story of Adam and Eve being true, the rest of the beliefs that christianity revolves around should have crumbled. God sent his son to earth to be killed to appease himself of the original sin which was the key to re-opening the gates of heaven that god himself closed.
I just don't get it. Is religion a security blanket for the weak minded?
All I can say is ';wow!';Why hasn't all forms of christianity disbanded since science has proven the story of Adam and Eve to be false?
first off, religion isn't founded on Adam and Eve. we've already estabished that Genesis is not to be taken literally.
second, more like science has proven Adam and Eve. they've already traced the entire human race back to one woman. have you even been paying attention to science lately?
third, can I buy some pot off of you?Why hasn't all forms of christianity disbanded since science has proven the story of Adam and Eve to be false?
My first response to this is give me solid proof with 100% certainty that the story of Adam and Eve is not true. Secondly, yes it's possible that it is symbolic, however I've also not found solid proof to say it's symbolic. Christianity revolves around a book that has had parts of it proven to be true. I've not yet heard anyone say with 100% certainty that any part of it is false. People have been trying to prove it false for generations. The reason that Christianity doesn't fall apart is because they believe the Bible to be the word of God and live by it. Christianity has been around for 2000 years. Isn't that saying something beyond whether the Bible is true or false. Christianity doesn't fall apart because it is centered on God's love, but also on love for one another.
Once again, a false dilemma.
It is not the purpose of science to disprove religion. Faith is not shaken by science, it is enhanced. Science reveals the hand of God in all its discoveries.
Adam and Eve are metaphorical stores, therefore they cannot be ';disproved.'; The message of the story is still valid, and will always be valid.
Only people who narrowly interpret Genesis as a literal work are confused. The majority of Christians and Jews understand the message in the story and don't get side-tracked by the wording.
I don't see how it has proved the story to be false. A story is a teaching tool. Take from it what you will. I do know atheists who find good advice %26amp; lessons in biblical stories. They also find good lessons in Aesop's Fables. Just because science can prove that the Fox %26amp; Scorpion may never have been able to have had a conversation or struck up a deal, it doesn't make the moral of the story wrong.
I think literalism's like yourself are missing the point of religion. It addresses a human need dealing with ethics, morals, and fair conduct. Comfort too, but that doesn't make it a security blanket, nor does it mean I am weak minded.
Actually mitochondrial research indicates that every human alive is descended from a single human family on the mother's side. Scientists don't know how to trace paternity through the mitochondria, however. Adam and Eve have not been disproved. Still don't know about the original sin part.
Yes, it is easier for most to have blind faith and not really understand what they have Faith in. Most people think the Jesus was the first of his kind, but the story of ';Jesus'; has been done so many times. Look back at Greek Myths, Egyptian Gods and the same stories come up (which by the way are way before the time of Christ) born to a virgin, died on a cross, resurrected 3 days later, born on the 25, there is a list of over 20 ';Gods'; that have all these same traits. But people don't care, they feel protected, and then some just like to feel ';better'; than everyone else and be able to damn everyone that doesn't believe in their God. But than they harass Atheist because we don't believe in any God, while Christians ignore and say all the other older Gods are fake. It is ridiculous
Your question is arrogant and presumptuous, and no - you do NOT know everything, which is a basic requirement for anybody claiming that God doesn't exist!
Sadly, your mind is too set in concrete for any kind of Truth to penetrate, so you will continue to believe the lies!
Now then, if you're going to ask a question that brings an allegation against someone (in this case the Bible), please present your so-called facts. Tell me, who went back in time to give eye-witness to your fable that Adam and Eve were not real people?
Actually, atheism and evolution is just an excuse to live a sinful lifestyle. Jesus said that if you REALLY want to know (which you obviously don't since you're mind is already made up) - but - if you REALLY want to know if God sent Him (implying the existence of said God), then ';OBEY THESE COMMANDS, and you shall know (one way OR the other)!'; (Notice he said nothing about having faith or believing - it's an objective ';litmus test'; that ANY body can perform.) (I am of the opinion that He was referring to the Sermon on the Mount, starting in the 5th chapter of the gospel according to Matthew).
If you refuse to take the challenge Jesus laid down, then you're just another phony hypocrite. Jesus said it like this. He said that the ONLY reason people reject Him is ';because their deeds are evil, and they love darkness and hate the light!'; In other words, the ONLY reason you don't believe in God is because you don't WANT to believe in God, period!
Or the fact that Earth is definitely not shaped like an oblong box, and the sky is definitely not a solid barrier with holes in, to allow the light of the sun, moon and stars. That is the reason why the church used to murder anyone who said the world was not flat.
So this so called all knowing, all wise, all infallible giant invisible sky fairy, is in fact a complete moron.
Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
How many times has science been proven false? Should we disband science?
In the 1960's, when I was in school, science taught us many things that were latter found to be false,(too many to list), but were taught as fact. I wont disband science because of that. Science is evolving , catching up with the word of G-D not disproving it !
HA HA HA man you really dont know much about your evolutionist believes do you??? carbon dating is never used in millions of yrs only 5000 yrs it has a half life. most evolutionist ';scientists'; actually do believe we came from two parents havent you heard about the eve theory from your own notions. when you ask a question know what your talking about. evolution has and never will be proven because hard scientific facts are not there to support it, one paleontologist will argue against another there will never be any agreement even among evo's.
You're over simplifying everything. You really don't understand the complexities of what you're typing. How can you claim to be smart? You can't understand the bible. So, what makes you think you can understand science? As far as your claim, citation please? I learned that from you atheists. Citation! Citation! Lack of evidence!
because they haven't proven it. scientists cannot prove it. ehy can say that they are fairly sure. based on other theories they have come up with but have not proven. Dis prove one of the theories and you'll just have to call out ';Jango'; as the tower crashes to the ground.
The man who came up with the theory of evolution also disproved only a few short years later. will you give up on that?? i do not think so.
I am a published scientist with first author international publications.
Science has not disproven anything in the bible.
Remember this from a scientist:
Form follows function, Proteins follow form and Genes follow proteins.
If you understand this, then you will understand the deceptive flaw in evolution.
I have discovered genes myself.
I had a supernatural encounter with God and started worshipping him in unknown tongues that he gave me and other supernatural things ensued in my life
And yes - Jesus is God
That is hardly fair. If Christians can accept and find reasons for other flaws in their book of truth then why can't they for this one.
I suppose this is where faith comes in. If you believe something to be the ultimate pinnacle of truth then you will not accept any 'evidence' against it.
not all forms of christianity believe that ';God sent his son to earth to be killed to appease himself of the original sin which was the key to re-opening the gates of heaven that god himself closed.';
If people find the story of Adam and Eve and the Christian legends later based on it to be meaningful, then it doesn't really matter whether its scientifically ';true'; does it?
When has science proved that Adam and Eve are false?
I hear the voice of a spirit that claims to be God鈩?
That means conversation with a spirit that claims to be God Almighty.
The story of 'Adam %26amp; Eve' has not been proven false by science. This spirit say's that He will prove it to be true.
well, the RCC anyway todays says that it's all allegory, thereby allowing people to still be Christian and believe in evolution and the likes.
Neat trick eh?
religion is based on faith. i,m not religious; but i,m not going to tell someone who is that they shouldn,t worship/believe in what they want. there,s plenty of room in the world for all belief structures.
The Hebrews wrote the story of Eden, and the Hebrew Kabbalah says
it is symbolic.
And your conclusion is ';since Christianity has not collasped therefore Adam and Eve must be true'; ?
Good luck with that.
Science has not proven this. For future reference, try to make some educated and factual statements in your posts.
The story was never meant to be taken literally.
very few Jews take it that way and it is their book.
Guys science has proven we did not just come to be in one instant and that earth is older than 6000 years.
OMG! All this time we theists have been wandering in the wilderness of belief, and here you've had all the answers all along! Oh, that you had preached your gospel sooner!
Look up the word ';humility'; and get some.
xtianity is not based on any facts, science, the natural world or any form of logic.
xtian delusion knows no bounds.
the whole religion is based on believing in a fairy tale
science that pumps chemicals in to people to heal instead of common sense of eat healthy and you don't get sick...
yeah right, I am going to believe them!
HOW has science proven it to be false?
Many Christians don't accept the Theory of Evolution (this is what I assume disproved the story of Adam and Eve) and those who do, still cherry-pick and fit both Evolution and Creationism into their beliefs.
People just choose to refuse. That's just it. They refuse to think and accept otherwise.
Science has proved nothing of the sort!
Quit making atheists look like liars.
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