Being a Christian has to do with knowledge of and belief in the Christ.True or False: You can't be a Christian if you reject the story of the Garden of Eden and the fall of man?
YES! Christian fight!!!True or False: You can't be a Christian if you reject the story of the Garden of Eden and the fall of man?
false false false false
Being a Christian is being ';in Christ'; which only comes through faith in Him.
the term christian, is for those who follow jesus christ.
its not beleiving in adam and eve that makes u a christian. lol
The basics for being a christian would be to follow the Ten Commandments leaniantly, and to follow Jesus's example. The stories provide deep meaning if you think about them. You cannot ever understand the true meaning of being religious if you take the Bible literally.
Yeah just like in my old algebra class,the first chapter was way out of whack, I just couldn't buy into it.
I must admit however that I do embrace the biblical record on the Genesis story.
wouldn't that be a given
Depends upon what you mean by ';reject';. If you mean by reject that you do not listen to the message of the text, that man is sinfull and needs to be redeemed then I would say: ';yes, to reject that message is to reject Christianity';.
If, however, you mean ';reject'; in the sense of not agreeing with a literal reading of Genesis (ie saying that there wasn't actually an Adam and Eve who where actually visited by a serpent and actually ate of a certain tree then I would say that that does not disqualify you from being a Christian. You may, naturally, adopt a definition of Christianity, that precludes this - but to do so moves the meaning of ';Christian'; away from its everyday sense and limits its application to a small sect of mainly American fundamentalists. Most Christians (in the everyday meaning of the word) reject the literal interpretation of Genesis). This includes some people of whom it would be madness to say they weren't Christians. St. Augustine, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict the-whatever-his-number-is, the Archbishop of Canterbury to name but four.
True. A Christian believes that Jesus died for us on the cross to save us from going to Hell. Because of the fall of man, all sinners were condemned to Hell. Jesus was sent to die for us so that we wouldn't have to go to Hell if we professed Him as Lord and Saviour.
I am a catholic Christian and that is absolutely false.
being a christian has something to do with following the teachings of jesus -- i think that is why its called christianity and not judaism. non literal theologians in most camps concur that the garden of eden and fall of man are probably metaphorical parables. don't sweat it so much.
It is still argued to this day if the bulk of Genesis is actually true OR if it's another parable. Jesus spoke in parables, why can't the Father?
There is no Christian who knows or understands all of what the Bible says.
It is enough to know that God is the creator of the world and has all power as well as great love for His creatures including us.
It is taught that way in the Bible. To be a Christian you must believe the Bible is a True account of the life of the Earth and Man. You have to believe in creation and the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. I would love to discuss this futher, you may email me. The way the question is asked the answer is True, You can't be a Christian if you do not believe the Bible. navysonofga
False! The acceptance of Adam and Eve with the fall of man comes after the story of Jesus Christ, not before. You do not need to accept the story of Eden, for that is just a sampler of the Bible. To be a Christian, you must ';have Christ in your heart,'; which means that you must do as Christ has done, or in humorous terms, ';do as the Romans do.'; If you are a Christian, you are walking in the footsteps of Jeshua, or in short, walking iwth the Lord Jesus.
True, you cannot be a proper Christian, because the original sin of Adam and Eve is central to the saving sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus by His death on the Cross restored eternal life to the whole human race.
The Cross represents the new tree of life. Access to the original tree of life was withdrawn from Adam and Eve and all humans because of their sin.
The Bible makes it clear that the original Creation was perfect. It was original sin that set in motion the entropy we now see in the natural world with decay, disasters, death and corruption. i.e. the once perfect universe is now running down, and will eventually end.
It is important to note that there was no death of any creatures before the sin of Adam and Eve. All animals were vegetarian and humans ate only fruit. It was their sin that brought death into the world. If you believe in evolution you have to deny all this and believe that there were hundreds of millions of years of death, disease, killing and destruction before even humans arrived on Earth. In other words you have to believe that God made a horrible and imperfect universe, even though the Bible says that God saw the Creation was good.
true because you don't believe in gods creations
why would you reject those stories?
its not like christanity is a club. beleive what you want and call yourself a christain.
False, the Definition of Christian is someone who believes in Christ as being the Son of God or God him/herself and thats it. All Religions have incorporated these prerequisites saying that you have to believe in 100% of what we say, this is why there are thousands of ';Christian'; churches that all believe in Christ, yet contradict each other in certain small areas of strict doctrine.
From what I remember in Bible School - Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God, and that he came from Heaven to be sacrificed for your sins. So, FLASE! Tell me where in the Bible it says that you have to honestly believe ver batem that everything mentioned actually happened.
If we consult, the opinions go from:
Father X : ';You can certainly be a Christian even if you don't believe the story of Eden at all.';
Minister Y: ';Blasphemy! No way can you be a Christian if you think there's a single comma out of place in ANY part of the Bible.';
I guess that ';truth'; is just a matter of opinion.
That is correct. You must ignore the mistakes in the bible and pretend that they are not there. If you do the religion business promises you a reward after your dead, providing that you give them money when you are alive.
uh....being christian means believing in christ as the saviour. The garden of eden/fall of man story is part of the old testament. Jewish people and muslims also have the same story in their religious texts.
True. You need to have a -reason- for God to save humankind. If humans didn't sin at the Fall, then why does Jesus need to die for us? That is one of the central things necessary to be a Christian; you have to come to the realization that you are a sinner and need someone to save you from the consequences of your sin. When you accept Jesus as the one who saves us from God's justice and punishment, and confess your sins to God, you have become a Christian.
What remains after you have been saved is to live as if the Holy Spirit really was in you.
False. The only Christians I respect at all are the ones who can tell the difference between history and mythology. You're Christian if you believe the whole God and Jesus thing, nothing else is necessary.
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