Jesus Christ spoke of Adam and Eve and the garden; He believed it.
Perhaps you think He was brainwashed by His Father, perhaps you don't think it matters what Christ spoke of.
I'm sure you'll let me know..THE EDEN STORY IS A RIDDLE A FIVE YEAR OLD COULD CRACK.true or false?
no. the eden story is metaphorical in nature and if you've read it as i've read it philosophically you can see many errors that befall not only the eden story but some parts of the old testament as well. i'm not to preach and all and i'm not blaspheming and somesort because i am a christian myself. i ask all of you not to ask questions the mysteries of the bible because it is as i've said metaphorical in nature and a deeper wisdom on philosophy is needed to understand its meanings. elaborating them here is not he proper context mainly because debating this would cost a very long discussion and all which is very tiring.... %26gt;_%26lt;, so one with less understanding and wisdom can only learn from its literal meaning and not from what is intended. y'know the works. that's why the bible should've been printed in english, one might doubt its context if not understood completely.. that is all.. hope it helps (^_^).v,,
a clue to your understanding that it is metaphorical is in the passege somehere when cain left the and joined another tribe. now that is cryptic to some but as ive said some understanding and wisdom is much needed.
It's not a riddle. It's simple plagarism from the myths of the Anannaki on the Sumerian tablets with a few changes to perpetuate the writers own stupidty (sucg as ';Eve'; was a male in the original tale and the ';snake'; was an Anannaki trying to help the humans).
I was not under the impression that it was a riddle, if anything it is just an allegory for the path of human migration. Contrary to what the religious mind thinks the atheist mind knows. Science has told us that yes we did come from a very small hyper dense populus. That the first glimpse of man came from Africa and spread to the world. So similar, but still not a riddle.
Okay let's try this...Adam and Eve where told not to eat the fruit but to procreate if I recall correctly. Now they couldn't procreate without eating the fruit. And yet if they ate the fruit they would suffer. So tell me where this makes any sense at all...
It's a riddle, indeed. a Qabalistic riddle.
False, %26amp; I have answered this question many times, so go back into my answers %26amp; you will see that I can answer this question.
what is there to ask? what is there to answer? god made man, man went his own way by eating forbidden fruit, man had to work for life and sin was passed upon all what else do u need to know?
False my little brother is as dumb as a box of rocks !
he could never answer a riddle.
What the hell are you talking about? I'm 27 and I can't even ';crack'; your question.
You need to tell us what riddle you are talking about before anyone can answer you.
well tell me the riddle then??
yes it is
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