Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The story of noahs ark has to be false or?

evolution is the only explanation for the 30 million known species of life in the world because they would not of fit on the ark...not even close.

if you say the ark story is a metaphor then there really is no way of telling whats a metaphor and whats literal in the bible.The story of noahs ark has to be false or?
All the living things can fit on the ark because it's really big. But anyway through satellite technology, they have found that it exists in Turkey, within Mount Ararat. But because it takes too much money to excavate it and see if it's really really real, they have abandoned the operation.The story of noahs ark has to be false or?
The story of Noah's Ark has to be more than a metaphor or else many cultures in many countries have been using the same metaphor. It seems to me logically speaking the many world wide similarities are based on one truthful account. Think about it.

And 30 millions species? Hold it? I think variants from one single species for the different creatures that existed back then is a more plausible explanation. Which would mean that one kind of species is the ancient ancestor of thousands today. This would be true for micro-evolution. And that is how God enabled a species to survive in its habitat and environment.

You should not confuse micro-evolution with macro-evolution.

Noah only needed to take one pair of dogs on the ark that would supply the gene pool for all dog species on the planet today.

We know micro-evolution occurs and no one has ever disputed it. The children of any animal have similarities and differences to their parents and will adapt to their environment through natural selection.

However this is completely different from macro-evolution that supposedly explains how dogs made themselves out of slime.

Dogs are always dogs, they never got to be dogs by interbreeding and changing. All that does (micro-evolution) is produce more dogs of different colours and shapes.

This does not prove that slime will eventually become a dog if it has enough children protozoa.

Therefore Noah only needed to keep representative animals from all the major 'kinds' that God created in order to seed the earth with the infinite variety we see today.

Because that's how Jehovah created things to be. Infinite in their varieties. They didn't make themselves, but now they are made, they are made in a wonderful, ever-changing way.

Unfortunately scientists like to BLUR the distinction between micro-evolution (breeding) and macro-evolution (Darwinism) because there is absolute proof for micro-evolution but there is NO PROOF WHATSOEVER for macro-evolution.

We can prove stuff changes but we can't explain how it got here.

So when scientists talk about ';evolution'; being a proved fact, they are talking about ';micro-evolution'; that has never been disputed but allowing you to believe they are talking about macro-evolution.

This is intellectually dishonest. If macro-evolution can not be proved (which it cannot) they should be honest about that.

I think the best answer I can give is that specization does exist where as I dont believe evolution does. We know that after the flood the animals were sent out to repopulate the earth. Noah could have only had one or two types of beatles and through breeding with each other etc we come to the thousands of species we see today. Same with horses, dogs, etc. And the vast majority of the 30 million species you refer to are very small insects. They definitely dont take up much space. Then also there are the thousands of fish whales/sharks etc. that wouldnt need the ark. When the Earth changed as a result of the flood those fish that couldnt survive died.

Metaphor? The only metaphor I get is how can we come from a rock and evolved from chimpanzees.


There is only one God and his name is Jesus. God is real because of sin. Evolution can't answer that question for me. God is all about spiritual things and evolution and other religions is all about fleshy things, but Jesus offers spiritual things. Evolution goes against everything God is because sin doesn't apply to them.


in the beginning as it is in the end,

maybe with modern technology

the entirety of species could be collected ~ genetically

no fuss, no elephant poop everywhere..

the 'ark' is a space- ship

that leaves earths immediate vicinity

when $hit-hits-fan, naturally...

there are further correspondences,

nevertheless, that theory is as plausible as the literal interpretation.

Bull. Noah's ark is real. Evolution is false. God told Noah to build the ark and He did.

Genesis 6:14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.

1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
It's mythology and legend.

That means there may be some historical truth behind it, but it cannot be taken at face value. There may well have been a Noah who had a boat or a barge with his family and a bunch of animals on it, but any flood he may have dealt with must have been only a local one.
once the horse stood only 2 ft tall. once the elephant was 4 times the size it is today . once the plater pus ! well wasn't as weird as today . and once man lived primarily underground . and once birds were fish . so your absolutely right it couldnt have happened . there is no way passable that those animals on the ark could have evolved into what we have today . after all man hasn't evolved any .
';If you say the ark story is a metaphor then there really is no way of telling whats a metaphor and whats literal in the bible.';

I cannot agree with you more!!! The site below explains how the bible says things accurately.
Noah's Ark is real. Please take a look at this site.鈥?/a>

It also explains the theories about species of those days.


Edit- Science says it's Noah's Ark and I still get thumbs go figure!
Not a metaphor.

Some of the larger animals could have been taken on as eggs or infants.

Manifestation of life happens over time. You're seeing the results of that now. Just look at how many dogs there are. Noah only needed two dogs. Etc.
Why do you focus on this story? There are similar stories told in the ancient Americas, in ancient Eastern Asia, in ancient Africa, and in ancient Europe.
I know this isn't proof of if Noah's ark is literal or not, but some dutch guy built a replica that is almost as large as the bible states.'s鈥?/a>
nor the story of moses, he broke the ocean should i say it also fake story ?

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