Okay, I grew up believing the story of Noah, but I'm thinking about it seriously now, and thinking this. Everything about the story would or nearly would have been impossible, and you almost have no choice but to have faith that God performed a miracle. But, the one thing that I think is the most impossible of them all is the fact that (according to the bible) 2 of EVERY animal and 7 of EVERY CLEAN animal were on a boat that was 450ft long and 75 ft wide and 45 ft high with three levels. HOW could that be even miraculously possible unless God shrank the animals down to a small size or maybe Noah was more scientifically advanced and actually didn't take live animals but the DNA of male and female of each and every kind of animal so that when the water evaporated, he cloned them all and the repopulated the Earth again. OR only the animals in that part of the world boarded and God recreated all the animal and plant life that the flood killed. OR the flood only happened in that area and is an exaggerated story...Is the story of Noah true? False? Or exaggerated?
Well they have proved now that the two by two animals were babies they took on board.
And the 7 of every clean were for the sacrifices to the Lord.So they did not stay on board very long.
Your problem it that you are trying to figure things out in the natural with your own mind.
God even tells us in Isaiah 55 that His thoughts are higher then ours and His ways higher then ours.
Plus the Bible also says that spiritual things cannot be discerned in the flesh. You need to walk in the spirit in order to know what things mean. So get out of your fleshly thinking and allow God to speak to you of these very high minded things.
Noah is real and you need to settle this once and for all.
And do not let the devil speak doubt into your thoughts as he did with Adam and Eve.
You are to cast down vain imaginations that exult themselves against the knowledge of God and tries to bring doubt.
as a Christian you are required to guard your thoughts.
Pleading the blood of Jesus around them.Is the story of Noah true? False? Or exaggerated?
That story is based on the deluge. Which was a great flood in Mesopotamia. But that flood occured prior to the Jewish religion. It was copied.
More importantly though was the fact the deluge was about 4000 or so years ago. And like many religions they totally ignore the east. When civilization started, the deluge, the first religion, etc. all ignores history.
I tend to think it's false, though I can't say for sure. There would be evidence of a global flood, and there isn't any. If it is exaggerated, why is it necessary to exaggerate it? There's not a logical reason God would have for exaggerating, it would only confuse people. So yeah, it's most likely just not true.
Science has proven that the story of Noah is a complete fabrication. The man who wrote the story only knew of a few different species of animals. Any society that lives in a delta area is going to have stories of floods. We are, to this very day, astounded by that 100 year flood that just devastates us. What do you think the effect would be on a ancient society?
It is good that you have started thinking.
Not only did Noah get the animals on board but the Bible says they stayed on board for more than a year. Where did Noah store all the food for them?
That is an awful pile of hay just for the herbivores, and what did the carnivores eat?
As a christian this one is real easy .. you know christ because he lives in you and you are a new creation in christ... and he speaks of noah withot using him a s a metaphor or a story .. he said he knew him .. simple enough
false and over over over exaggerated
Only 2 of every KIND of AIR breathing animal.
False, it is impossible.
Total and utter hogwash.
God knows me through the book of life into which I am written. Scientists call it DNA.
Get serious.
Anyway, forget that other stuff. Can you imagine what the waves would have been like?
Maybe our perceptions of a cubit are different from back then.
Only the larger terrestrial animals were mentioned. Noah might have had to bring only one pair of wild canids with him, one pair of equids, one pair of bison, one pair of apes, etc. The diversification could have occurred after the Flood. Water interferes with radiocarbon dating accuracy, so our calibrations of other methods that were done with radiocarbon results could be flawed. Further, geological models conveniently ignore sudden catastrophes, and thus assume much longer periods of time for gradual processes that might not be justified. Don't get me wrong; I am very far from being a Young Earth creationist, but the fact is that we don't know everything, and maybe we never will.
Depending on the size of the builder, the Ark could have been anything from the size of an icebreaker to the size of a cruise liner. Probably Noah would have taken cubs and calves and foals with him, as they would be easier to feed and manage, and they would take up far less room. Many species would also sleep most of the time during cool weather, requiring little food, especially when they would not have to hunt for it.
It is easier to believe in creation and in the great Flood than it is to believe that evolution is the reason for the origin and the diversity of life.
its misunderstood
the terms used are terms that can NOT be thought of the same as in modern day
';over the surface of all the ha'aretz'; does NOT mean planet, but that is how it is translated and commonly thought to mean, yet there has never been a world wide flood layer found
the same phrase, ';over the surface of all the ha'aretz';, is used throughout scripture, for things that could NOT be world wide..............and if it is simply a regional flood, then all the animals was a reference to all the animals OF THE REGION ONLY
but the scientific concept you put forth would be neither of the options you gave
it wouldn't be true
it wouldn't be false
and it wouldn't be an exaggeration
it would be a GROSSLY under told story
This account is absolutely true. God told Noah to take 2 of every KIND of animal, not two of every variation. Now there are well over 100 specific dog breeds today. All of these dog breeds came from a single original dog kind. The original dog king, from which all the breeds originated, were very deep in the gene pool. They contained all the genes needed to create all the breeds that we see today.
Through a process of breeding manipulation and isolation, these genes were turned on and off and put in different combinations to make the different breeds. The original dog kind probably could create variation quite quickly. Especially right after the flood because there was so much open space for them to spread out and become different isolated groups. Also because they were so rich in the genes that the variation could occur faster. Whereas today, for example, a chihuahua probably can not create much more variation that is currently seen in them. They are near the extreme limit of available variation. Any further variation that does occur will be very difficult, create a lot of deadly problems, and occur much slower. So the rate at which creatures today create variation is probably much slower than the original creatures could do it. Also the bible says that God brought the creatures to Noah. I assume that since God created the animals, He probably also could know which creatures to take to Noah to provide a rich and deep genome stock from which to repopulate the earth. So, Noah probably never saw a chihuahua, and all of the other hundreds of dog breeds. He just had to take on 2 of the dog KIND. This is true for all of the other creatures of the earth. There are not that many different KINDS of animals. There are a LOT of different variation within those kinds, but he did not have to load all of these aboard. Also, Noah was very old when he did this, and probably much smarter than we are. I think that he figured out to take very young animals on board. They would be smaller, not eat as much, sleep a lot more, and a lot of other advantages. People have calculated that, considering all the different Kinds of animals, there was more than enough room to accomplish this task.
I recommend getting the book, ';In the Beginning'; by Walt Brown. This book teaches a lot about Noah's flood. Walt Brown credentials in science are really good. He is not just a dummy with some ideas. He is a highly decorated scientist.
You can get the book at amazon.com / or you can read it online at www.creationscience.com
But I recommend buying the actual book so that you can hold it and make a lot more sense out of reading it. It is pretty complex and you will have to flip back and forth from the narative sections to the reference sections. Really take your time and read it again and again and understand everything that he is saying in it. If you are not good as science this will be a tough read, but it is well worth the effort regardless.
2nd Peter tells us that people are willing ignorant that God caused the creation, the flood, and that God is going to cause the coming Judgment. God's word is good, even though we are not.
You would be wise to just trust God's word if you don't have the research ability to look up the facts showing that everything God says is the truth. A person should not just have blind faith, you should research this out, but blind faith is better than no faith at all. Especially if your faith fails you because of ignorance and the teaching of unbelievers.
Here's the thing. The Hebrews didn't have a bunch of words for ';place,'; ';land,'; ';country,'; ';region,'; etc. They had one word, ';earth,'; that meant everything from the dirt in your backyard to the entire planet. The book of Genesis does say that the ';whole earth'; was covered by water, that animals came from the ';whole earth,'; etc. But it could have meant anything from a flood in Noah's home town to a global flood. In fact, the Hebrew could just as easily be interpreted to mean that the entire universe was flooded with water. The terminology is ambiguous. The only reason people translate it the way they do is because a global flood was the dominant tradition in Christianity. You might note that the exact same language is used to describe the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as is used to describe the devastation of Noah's flood.
Note also that the book of Genesis does accurately describe the time frame for the origins of the Sumerian civilization in southern Iraq, as well as the rise of the ancient Babylonian Empire. And there was a tremendous flood that devastated Sumerian civilization within the same time frame that the flood of Noah supposedly occurred. Even if the story is nothing more than a myth, it was a myth based on an actual flood that was still in the memory of the Babylonians when Genesis was written. Babylonian king lists even mention the flood, and name 10 kings who reigned before the flood. One Babylonian king even bragged about how he was the only person who still understood the language that was spoken before the flood. And the Babylonians famously have their own version of the flood story.
Ironically, however, the Chinese flood myth is actually closer in the details to the account in Genesis than is the Babylonian version.
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