Because that would mean all the creation stories listed below would be true as well as several thousands of others by the logic of winning by proxy.
Here are just a few:
FSM Creation Myth
Babylonian Creation Myth
African Olari Creation Myth
Navajo Creation Myth
Norse Creation Myth
Pima Creation Myth
Salish Creation Myth
Tahitian Creation Myth
Yokut Creation Myth
Comanche Creation Myth
Egyptian Creation Myth
Assyrian Creation Myth
Aztec Creation Myth
Mayan Creation Myth
Inuit Creation Myth
Australian Aborigine Creation Myth
Hawaiian Creation Myth
How could all these creation stories be correct?
And Evolution does not equal Atheism, I just want people to get that out of their heads. I'm a Deist/Pantheist. Roman Catholics also accept the sound scientific Theory of Evolution.If There was proof that the Theory of Evolution was false, then would the creation story be correct by proxy ?
That would put Creationists into quite a pickle wouldn't it? Then they'd have to disprove other myths that has just as little proof to back it up...oh fun!If There was proof that the Theory of Evolution was false, then would the creation story be correct by proxy ?
The logic here escapes me. Evolutionary theory, based on empirical observation, has absolutely nothing to do with folklore or the supernatural. Even in the absence of science, there would be no proof that the Aztecs or the Inuit got it right.
Believe what you want, but do not mix science %26amp; the supernatural, as one is not dependent on the other's presence or absence. Belief in the supernatural is solely faith-based.
Any scientific theory must be based on a careful and rational examination of the facts. A clear distinction needs to be made between facts (things which can be observed and/or measured) and theories (explanations which correlate and interpret the facts).
The Theory of Evolution is not just a guess. Take any science class and you will see clear and concise evidence that evolution is real. And it is true that just because you accept the fact that evolution is real, doesn't mean that you cannot believe in God. I am a Christian who took multitudes of science classes. My faith has not waivered.
Have two wrongs ever added up top be a ';right'; answer?
Many scientist and professors whom this one has personally met are Jewish and they all understand and believe that the theory of evolution is correct, as do virtually all Buddhist as there is no creation myth associated with Buddhism.
Be well.
The fossil record does not blend together by small changes, so it is clear that the theory of evolution is false.
New life forms appear fully developed in the fossil record and remain virtually unchanged for millions of years or until extinction. It is obvious that something created them because new animals do not pop up by self-creation.
I agree that certain people seem to think that it's either biblical creation or... well, nothing. And by disproving or attempting to disprove evolution they are somehow proving their theory.
Which is somewhat akin to saying I can prove that George Bush is not the Queen of England - but by doing so I am not answering who is actually the queen.
Is not evolution based on happenstance?
Something was needed, therefore the creature developed it.
It rules out design.
It rules out purpose.
Regarding ';all these creation stories'; ...don't the commonalities lead one to think there must be a common source?
That common source is the Bible .....and the Bible has nothing to do with chance and chaos and happenstance.
We cannot fuse these 2 polar opposites.
Correction my dear fellow.We do not believe in the evolution of man.If there were hard evidence of this nature it does not contradict the belief of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
The answer is creation + made = man this may seem enigmatic but our catechism caters for realistic resolve to the composition of man.Ask yourself the question of logic in this matter then ask another question for it to be answered.
God bless,
Roman Catholic.
Of course not. Funny how Fundamentalist Christians seem to think that the only option to unanswered questions is ';Goddidit.';
There are probably as many creation myths as there are cultures and some of them will never be known to us, because he died out with those who believed them. And maybe one of those is the true one!
I agree that evolution is the best theory out there HOWEVER it is non falsifiable. You can never prove a theory right, only show it false. Evolution theory has aspect which defy testing making it unfalsifiable. That said, other theories for the existence of life such as creationism aren't viable alternatives.
Many Christians often get the purpose of Genesis wrong. It wasn't meant to be a historical description of what happened. Much like Jesus' parables, they tell us TRUTHS about God's love and plan for us.
Edit: To Hairhorn: Popper's recant was only for certain predictions of the theory NOT the entire theory. Particularly dealing with the contributions of Darwin himself. Hence my original ';certain aspects'; clause.
Of course not, as you know. It would only prove that evolution is wrong, not that anything else is right. That's not how scientific inquiry works--and scientific inquiry doesn't work with religion, anyway.
Turtles all the way down!
You're quite right, even if the current explanation of how evolution happened were wrong (and it will be changed, refined, developed...) then that doesn't mean that the bible's version is automatically correct.
Well evolution did occur because they found skeletal remains (most importantly skulls) of ';humanids'; (not sure of the name used for each form of human progression) as they slowly progressed into modern humans.
No it wouldn't.
Disproving one does not automatically validate the other.
The Creation Theory is not based on Proof anyway, it's based on Faith.
Why stop there? Surely the theoretically infinite number of creation myths that have not been invented, but potentially could be, are similarly worthy of truth by proxy.
It also leave the door open for pan dimensional alien intervention and humans creating the universe in a paradoxical time loop and both of these are more probable than a supernatural creation.
I'm sticking with the Theory of Evolution. All the others are myths, including christian.
i agree- i know plenty of christians who still believe in evolution and lots of non-christians who don't!!!
Of course not. It would be like finding some quirk in gravity and claiming it as proof Sir Issac Newton was a myth.
Well, to sum it all up, I guess all the above storys could be proven simply. Polytheism.
This is not a coin where it is one side or the other.
Myth always has a portion of the truth in it.
I think most just forget to realize that.
I guess it would have to do with whatever church they were indoctrinated at. I believe in the PB%26amp; J myth
It would still be an utter flight of fancy
I'm quite partial to the rock and roll myth. Rock on!
(we all know in our souls that that is the correct path to salvation)
Hey what about our Shinto creation myth ?
It is rather unscientific to to label a scientific theory as fact. Even it it the best theory we have at this moment in history.
Most Christians do not take the stories of creation in the Bible literally. Catholics believe the book of Genesis tells religious truth and not necessarily historical fact.
One of the religious truths is that God created everything and declared all was good.
Catholics can believe in the theories of the big bang or evolution or both or neither.
On August 12, 1950 Pope Pius XII said in his encyclical Humani generis:
The Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter - for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God.
Here is the complete encyclical:鈥?/a>
And here is the Address of Pope John Paul II to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on October 22, 1996 speaking of the Theory of Evolution:鈥?/a>
The Church supports science in the discovery of God's creation. At this time, the theories of the big bang and evolution are the most logical scientific explanations. However tomorrow someone may come up with better ideas.
As long as we believe that God started the whole thing, both the Bible and responsible modern science can live in harmony.
The Clergy Letter Project an open letter endorsing the Theory of Evolution signed by over 10,000 clergy from many different Christian denominations:鈥?/a>
With love in Christ.
Also, Darwin's is not the only theory of evolution.
Evolution IS falsifiable. And Popper said so... he changed his mind later on.
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