American propagandist media is using the serial of words like Al- Quida, Sunni, Shiites, Iran, radical, insurgents, extremist, terrorist, militants etc. Some of the very common daily headlines “Sunnis are killing innocents “or “Al-Quida is killing innocents” and “American brave soldiers are protecting civilians”. All of these are the lessons which People get from American media on daily basis. America is a rich country and can spend billion of dollars on media to make this kind of news for their great national interest. I've mentioned all of this because I don't want you to repeat the lessons which you study from your heavenly Media.Is it true all the American Heroic stories in War are false yet?
so your saying terrorists are good people? i wish i could ******* kill you right nowIs it true all the American Heroic stories in War are false yet?
What a load of crap you are trying to dish out. Ya know a good propagandist would at least know enough about the American media to speak intelligently. You need to be fired, you suck at this.
isn't war like this? they propaganda that american troops are heroic and the rest are all evil beings,but i'm sure any country will make it look like their troops are the good guys
If you look at the questions the asker has answered - he believes in the Koran and Allah.
Koran = Bible. Allah = Jesus. It's ALL fairy stories that are killing millions.
Everyone see the recent study in which people were asked questions about the world, and then asked what news they watch?
Fox was the dumbest....
The war against 'bias' and said to be for 'balance' has resulted in abandoniong the truth... facts are now totally relative and variable. And I'm enjoying all the posters who want to kill you for being a foreigner. Yep, the noble Americans at it again.*
*Not all Americans are simple-minded warmongers, it's just the ones who are not are too scared to speak, and stay away from Yahoo! answers where the brave keyboard jockeys bravely 'support the troops' who at least have the balls to fight, even if it's for the stupidest cause since that of their opponents.
too many grammatical errors. and this sounds to anti-american.;Area=sd%26amp;ID=SP150807 .. everyone check out that site. it will explain this guy and the other anti-american sentiment thats been happening.
No, %26amp; keep studying English in it's written form, a.k.a. serial should be series %26amp; what does ';yet'; at end of your question mean? How long did you waste on this lecture? Does ';deaf ears'; mean anything to you?
go ask the dead
Well why if you realy have doubts, then check out SgtMaj Kasal's story. That stuff will make want to join the Corps.
If by propagandist media, you mean political bullshit, then look that up in a fuggin dictionary. The definition is aljazeera. They've got you on their nuts buddy.
I heard some guy in Germany was good at using the media to get his message across and marginalize the people that he did not like or wanted to get rid of. But I am sure that is different than today......
I suppose Al Jezeera is always truthful and honest.
Man o man learn some English if you want to understand it. The problem is the Jewish-controlled media and military-industrial complex which agitated for this war as far back as Clinton's first term.
That said, given the circumstances, American soldiers do their heroic best in a conflict with suicidal, backward, fanatical, camel-humpers who are hell-bent on destroying everything which does fit in with their warped ethos, including Israel, the western world, and the current government of Iraq, which is bravely trying to establish a nation and society that is rooted in the 20th century, if not the 21st, and not the medieval quagmire of Koranic triumphalism.
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