Good question. I think Disney stories are more of great fairy tales for children BUT false messages to the adults.
When I was a kid, I used to enjoy Lion King, Peter Pan, and Pinocchio. That's what all kids enjoy. Disney was so smart. He captured millions and millions of young audiences through brilliant characters, vivid graphics, cute storyline, and lively theme songs.
Now that I'm adult, I can't help but clasp Disney's obvious motives. Disney continuously provides more deceitful messages to innocent children. Some of them are racism, superiority, damnation, cultural violence, and social indifference among others.
He wanted us to believe that his works were created to provide entertainment and amusement among children, but the very messages he wanted to publicize through his works were obnoxious.
|%26lt;ryptonDisney Fairy Tales: Great Kids Stories or False Messages?
Disney didn't create the fairy tales, they just anaesthetised them - those were written by Hans Christian Andersen or the Brothers Grimm, and there was usually a tragic element to them.
Think of the original story of The Little Mermaid. She became human because she fell in love with a prince. She couldn't get her prince to fall in love with her, and drowned herself in the sea (as a human, she could no longer live under the sea). The foam on the waves is supposed to represent her spirit. There were certainly no singing lobsters or crabs!Disney Fairy Tales: Great Kids Stories or False Messages?
They're great stories that inspire you to do different things ie with Beauty and the Beast: don't judge someone by what they appear to be. Cinderella: if you really want something go after it (well you learn it from the prince not from Cinderella herself) Enchanted: show someone you love them and that's how you'll get your happily ever after. They're great stories that give you these and more messages. They all teach you to use your imagination and that's a great thing.
The majority of the fairy tales and stories that Disney make are not their own. They are in fact hundreds of years old and come from all over the world. Disney buy the rights and then mutilate the original story so much that it is practically unrecognisable.
It angers me that moviemakers do this kind of thing, but Disney do make good kids movies. I don't know what false messages you mean, but I do know it's a shame that most kids will never know the true stories.
I loved them as a child because it was pure escapism, why shouldn't children dream of totally unrealistic things- we all do it even now. And I mean, c'mon at the grand old age of four or five you don't even understand the term feminism and the whole world culture at the moment is so 'politically correct' it's unlikely kids are going to pick up any unsavoury messages. Can you imagine your childhood without Disney? I think we're trying to make kids grow up too fast and they should be allowed to come to their own decisions when they're old enough.
The older Disney films are based on worldwide tales. These tales explored many aspects of human nature, and were not exclusively told to children. Bettleheim has written an excellent book on the importance of fairy tales mainly from a Freudian aspect. Although Disney has cleansed the tales to fit its audience, the basic messages are still there.
I think that Disney fairytales are great kids stories. I loved to have them read to me or watch the movies when I was really little! Exspecially when my mom would curl up with me! = )
Now that I am older I still love to watch the movies, my favorite is Cinderella. However, when it comes to reading the fairytales now I would rather read the originals by the Grimm Borthers. They are quite a bit different, but very good. = )
great kids stories. as a lot of them were grimm or hans christian handerson stories that have been modified to be less scary or to have a nicer ending. kids should have something good in their lives which is why fairytales exist. obviously the original fairytales that disney remade were better but that was cos they were written for an adult audience too - more of like a mythical story. disney films have been simplified to have a happy ending but still a good story and i think that's what really matters when it's kids involved. also disney films are designed to be fantasy/adventure aimed at kids. it cannot be false messages if its make believe.
ps if i hadnt watched disney films as a kid i would never have anything happy and pure to watch that doesnt involve horror/violence/sex etc.
I think the great stories of disney's past have now been replaced by a more sinister message to kids. Disny seems to be more interested in massive profit and merchandising than they do in making the great films they are world renowned for. The tripe that they are producing these days. Peter Pan 2, Cinderlla 3. Where will it end????????
If you look into the history of fairy tales like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty you will realise these are folk tales that are hundreds of years old, often quite dark, and not always with a happy ending! Disney has sanitised them beyond belief, the original stories are much better.
A large percentage of the stories were actually Grimm's fairy tales to begin with but sanitized with a ';happy ending.';
Plagiarized works sending a very sad misogynist message. If you want great realistic works try Grimm's.
i think a little bit of both. I'm going to go all feminist here. take beauty and the beast for example. belle just wants freedom and romance. both of her suitors try to put her in a Cage. the beast kidnaps her, imprisons her and is mean to her. but she sticks around a eventually he turns in to a prince. not a good message to send to little girls.
I think they are great for kids.
Yes they are a bit old fashioned in their attitudes to women, give false expectations perhaps etc, but it doesn't matter - compared to most of the films/games/tv kids are exposed to they are fine!
Great kids stories although many of them have underlying meanings... kids soon realise that they're not real (about the same time they learn about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy) but I think a certain amount of fantasy stimulates the imagination. And Disney is classic entertainment!
i dunno
i think the origional fairy tales are much better and give across the correct messages
disney has changed all the old ones and made their own too
but it's not tradition....
LOL at the first answer!
Well, they are good stories for children, because children are excited about that kind of stuff, but they shouldnt be aiming that towards older people...haha
Well, they didn't write most of them, did they? I read The Little Mermaid and it says she has a beautiful singing voice. Sadly, the Disney version made her sound like Mariah Carey...
Great Fantasy stories, but no educational value-they are not allowed in my classroom!
Great Kids stories!
They might be a little twisted from the truth but they get the message across.. and make the story seem enjoyable!
Essentially good, but generates higher expectations of romance!!
Twisted misogynistic patriarchal cartoons.
Great kid stories, kids need fantasies in their life.
Great stories not just for kids, still love the now i'm 25!!!!
I think harmless fun.
Everyone dreams of a 'happy ever after'
tales for children
i still love disney.... pure genious! [= x
They're great kids stories, if you're mental
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