all media tells lies. they need to win the ppl and hide the gov't lies.Why does Fox News have a reputation for reporting lies and stories with false information?
Is this another crybaby Lib? Why don't you stop worrying about Fox News and just listen to Air America? What's that you say?.....they....they went bankrupt?? Gee, and Fox News is #1 by a huge margin. Interesting isn't it?
One would be because that is what they do and another reason would be that they fought a civil lawsuit claiming that they have the right broadcast lies and false information.
Of the Television news networks, Fox is likely the least biased of any of them. Most of the others are pure propaganda machines for the left. Fox is purported as biased because they general debunk the myths, lies and downright stupidity of the other channels. It the old Orwellian double speak notion. Whats' true is reported as false hood and lies by the opposition.
fox doesn't report any more leis than any of the rest of the news stations
You just have a problem with Fox news. They are cool. Come back and tell us what you have in mind..
Fox News is only one of those.
I really and truly hope that I'm not the only person in here to inform you of the harsh reality about news and information you receive on the TV and talk radio, its 20% world news mixed with 80% sycological messages passed on from the left and the far right to get you thinking how they wish everyone to think on their personel pet pee issues, let us say a very savy well schooled group understand just how to word things and mix with just enough photo clips to trigger your emotions to make you mad as hell on topics like immigration, or patriotic to their views on war, or giving other countrys our money
most news is directed or slanted,due to owners,commenators,reporters,news most times are a point of veiw,not just facts we've come to veiw news as entertainment.
Only by the bias liberal media who is trying to silence the one network with a slightly opposing view . If they lie at all - it still has to be less than the mainstream media - who - as in Dan Rather..used counterfeit marlarkey as broadcast news during the 2004 elections . Fox tries to be a little more fair than that - but no mainstream media is totally on the up %26amp; up .
because they are no better than the crimnals walking the streets,i'm fed up with all the media i'm even tired of history channel,weather channel,sit coms are not funny,i do watch the old movies on turner classics sometimes just to see how people were different then.Actually i think people were more classy then than they are now.i remember before cable was avaible the cable companies were going around to get people intrested in cable and said it will be better because we wont have to have commericals,now its almost all commericals plus it cost to watch them what a joke.!!!
Its a Republican station. That simple...
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