I'm not ttc or hoping that I am pregnant, I just think it is interesting that we rely so much on the science, yet our intuition and instincts know better.
I would love to hear from you! Thank youStories of pregnancies where the blood tests showed a false negative?
i was a few days later for my period so i took a test and it was negative.. well a week went by and it was still pregnant, well i went to the dr. and got a blood test and it was negative, like another week went by and still no.. a few more did and then i started getting nauseous and feeling sick and my husband and i went to the dr. and they did an ultrasound and theres a healthy 9 weeks old baby in there.. it was weird but ya hahaha, idk why it didnt show up in the testsStories of pregnancies where the blood tests showed a false negative?
I am not sure if this quite qualifies as a ';false negative'; story as much as a ';lab stupidity'; story, but here goes...
I have a history of irregular menses, so I wasn't sure how long it would take me to get pregnant, or when would be a good time to test. I took an HPT about a month and a half after my last period. It read negative. I went to my doctor a month and a half later to ask for a blood test. I figured it would be more accurate.
The doctor's office called me back when they got the results from the lab. They told me I was negative.
A few days later the doctor's office called me back to tell me the lab had sent a negative result from *someone else* under my name. The lab then tested the correct sample, and I was positive.
I had them schedule an ultrasound later that same day and it turned out I was 11 weeks pregnant.
....for women who answer this question i hope you say it was negative because either you tested too early, or you were on meds...because blood test dont like
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