I wonder from the answers who are saying you said Muslims say Jesus is son of God .. can't they read properly before answering ?!
You refer to one is called Abdullah bin Sabaa ...I read that also in Shiits books ..We are not all very sure if he really existed or not in the first place.. some believe he is a reality while some don't .. I wonder why pointing the finger only at one person for fabricating the hadiths .. you can find many other Muslims do it with different intentions ..so accusing only one person for the division of Umma is not a solid case.
Muslims accuse Paul because he has written words attributed to him with his own signature while Sabaa no confirmed proof if he is the one or not.Do any Muslims accuse Jews of creating false hadiths and stories of Mohammed?
anything that comes from Muslim sources regarding Jews is propaganda, and it could be trusted to be 100% lies.
The best way to describe the way muslims consider Jews is a serious allergic response, probably because Muslims find it depressing that the Jews, whom Muslims always considered to be lowlife, are humiliating Muslim states again and again.
how can you create falsehoods out of a religion(islam)is a lie anyway.
good luck with the question you got some bozo answers.
you didn't say muslim believe Jesus is GOD.
muslims have to do something to make they're selves believe the qu'rap is true.
um, no, and all the rest of those are falsehoods as well. Its so great that not only does a religeon lie to its own people about itself, but will lie about other religeons, oh well, I suppose its been happening since the dawn of time.
Since Jews say that Jesus was NOT 'the son of G-d' how on earth can we be accused of 'corrupting Christianity'????
We didn't have anything to do with the hadiths and stories of Mohammed, either!
Jeez, I suppose we'll be getting the blame for the rain, next.
Muslims saying Jesus Son of God ? Get your facts straight its the other way around.
do more research ASAP!
Some responders seem to misunderstand the question.
He's not saying that Muslims believe that Jesus is the son of God. He is saying that Muslims believe that he is not, but that Paul corrupted Christianity by saying that Jesus was divine.
As I understand it, Muslims believe that Jews and Christians originally had pure revelations that spoke of Muhammad as the coming prophet, but corrupted those revelations into the debased scriptures that they have now, riddled with errors and untruth. He is saying that some Muslims say that it was Paul who corrupted the original Christian revelation.
Did you know that 1 in 4 British youth think Winston Churchill was a made-up person? And that happened in just 50-60 years! As a Christian, I find it both humorous and sad that so many Muslims believe their own weak stories of an Islamic Jesus are superior to the extremely accurate historical narratives that support the Christian understanding of Jesus. True, Paul is useful for understanding Jesus, but all the basic truths that Christians believe about Him can be found in the Injil (Gospel), which Mohamed himself said was of God, although I think if Mohamed actually knew what the Injil contained when he said that, he probably would not have said it. Oh, and he doubtless did refer to the writing itself, not just the general story, because in his day, the Injil specifically referred to what the Christians then called the fourfold Gospel, the collection we now know as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These authors wrote before, during, and after the time of Paul, and often call Jesus the Son of God. We have many, many copies of the four Gospels, written in many places and times, and by a scientific process of statistical analysis we are virtually certain that we have in these texts the full substance of what the authors wrote. There is no corruption. God is not so weak as to allow His word to be destroyed by the schemes of mere mortal men, no matter how clever or devious. His word is faithfully recorded in the Torah, and in the Christian Bible. It is those later writers, who have written things contrary to the Injil, who have the harder case to prove.
Get your facts straight, muslims do not believe Jesus is god.........they believe Jesus is a prophet.
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