Thursday, February 4, 2010

Does today's story about the false statements on Iraq make Ron Paul the Republican frontrunner?

Since all the other Republican canidates support George Bush's war based on falsehoods, doesn't that prove Ron Paul is the only Republican canidate with integrity?Does today's story about the false statements on Iraq make Ron Paul the Republican frontrunner?
He's the only one who has read the 9/11 commission report and takes a non-ideological view of the Iraq mess.

He's overqualified for the jobDoes today's story about the false statements on Iraq make Ron Paul the Republican frontrunner?
Um, NO.
No. That doesn't make him the frontrunner. His stance on all of the issues makes him the frontrunner. Rudy and Mike will drop out soon because they're broke. Down to RP and McCain and Romney. I wish people would do some research on what Liberty actually is. It may wake them up.
yeah like 4% nationally he's surely end runner.
yep, that's why he's got my vote! go RON PAUL!!!!!
Nothing short of all the other candidates dropping out will make Ron Paul the Republican frontrunner.
This is a tired story. Can liberals think on their own or do they require the media to do their thinking for them?
Story? Link?
you are delusional
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