Monday, February 8, 2010

Evidence the flood story is false, what do you think?

The fossils we find in the rocks, are only about 0.1% of all life to have existed on Earth. So if the global flood story was true and all lifeforms existed in their present state before the flood, that would mean they would all be piled on top of one another.

Not very good that flood story eh?Evidence the flood story is false, what do you think?
Evidence the flood story is false?

It's called simple common sense. You can't argue with literalists. They've discarded reality and replaced it with evil fairy tales.

It doesn't matter what evidence you present, they'll ignore it.Evidence the flood story is false, what do you think?
very good typical dawkins fare: invent a fake statistic (0.1 % lol I would be amazed if it were a billionth of that), and then invent a ridiculous image that is clearly silly, then hope that everyone takes you for a serious person, which dawkins is very far from. nonetheless, they ARE all piled on top of each other, and intermingled, and mixed around, because this world is and always has been TEEMING with life, thanks be to God.
That is a misconception started in Sunday school.

The Bible has over 400 contradictions, but that is not one of them. Suggest, you read the actual Bible account, and not count on the R/S fundies for a summary of what the Bible actually says. (Of course, I am referring to the original Hebrew Bible and not the King James misinterpretations.)
Evidence the flood story is true:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

What do YOU think?
if you look at a map today you will see that the continents fit together as the earth was different as it is today. How do you explain the rainbow in the sky God's promise He will never again flood the earth, as the earth is suppose to be destroyed by fire.
Richard, why do they find tons of sea shells at the top of mountains such as mount Everest if the flood story is untrue ? God bless.

Edit: As a matter of fact Richard, yes I am familiar with Plate tectonics, It's a theory just like evolution, What about it ?
I'd venture to guess that your percentage is still too high.

Indeed, creationists have identified sites where plate tectonics and other natural forces have lumped fossils from different eras together and call it proof of Noah's flood.
not to mention that it is an engineering impossabilitie to build a wooden ship to those dimensions and then of course there is the small problem that every time one of the released predators eats it wipes out a species
You would also expect to see the fossils of land animals buried below the fossils of water animals. Often it's the other way around.
I think you've got this backwards: Those espousing the Biblical flood as true have to prove it was so; those who know otherwise don't have to prove a thing.
Scientists have written entire tracts of textbooks, and this is the best you can come up with? There has been a global flood every time the ice shield has melted.
the whole bible isn't very good. surely noah was able to fit 2 of every animal on his ark. assuming the ark was the size of the earth itself.
Haven't you heard? The devil did it to put doubt in our minds...he is a clever fellow.
The Bible is all truth. It is 100% accurate and the main message you need to get out of it is the beautiful message of Christ Jesus. Please pray a sincere prayer with all your heart admitting to Jesus you are a sinner. Have FULL faith that His blood pays off all your sins and accept His gift of everlasting life. I pray that God is kind to you. Amen.

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